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Monday, February 4, 2019

Pilot + 4 on ground, update: "5 Dead After Small Plane Crashes Into Yorba Linda Neighborhood "

" pilot of the plane, as well as four people on the ground, died as a result of the crash at about 1:45 p.m., Ornge County Sheriff's Department Lt. Cory Marino said. Two other victims were hospitalized with burn injuries and a firefighter was also treated for minor injuries"

Monday, August 6, 2018

(why planes need horns!) LUCKILY NOBODY KILLED ON THE GROUND "Santa Ana plane crash: Five dead as plane hits car park - BBC News

this time nobody got killed on the ground but WHY SHOULDN'T PLANES HAVE A "NOISE MAKER" that they can push (or is automatically triggered upon sudden descent such as when a pilot has a heart attack or is unconscious for some reason, or terrorism ! ) when they KNOW they are going down ? People would LOOK UP and run for cover... 


Tuesday, September 20, 2016

9/19/16 "Skydivers jump just before plane crashes into house"

UN-BEE-LIEV-ABLE! somehow the couple in the house ("which was completely destroyed" were not injured...; just think if they had HEARD A DISTINCTIVE AIRPLANE ALARM...they could have gotten somewhere safe to make sure they were safe and sound before the plane crashed. AIRPLANES MUST HAVE DISTINCTIVE  "CRASH ALARMS"! 

"A couple inside the home — which was completely destroyed — was not injured and have declined requests for an interview...."

Monday, May 9, 2016


...all planes should be required to have a unique, recognizable, siren...which people will immediately recognize as warning of an incoming plane crash...
...So that when people hear it they know exactly what it means.. Even a few seconds to dive under a bed , or run, or  duck, might mean the difference between life and death

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

"Uncle Speaks About Niece Killed in I-15 Plane Crash "

"“She was just a blessing, Toni,” Philip Isbelle told NBC 7. “I can't anymore put into words what she was.” Toni Isbelle, Philip Isbelle’s niece, was killed sitting in the back seat of a car stopped on the side of Interstate 15 Saturday...."

re BLOG HEADLINE PHOTO: actually, LUCKILY, the man on the beach was NOT killed. (not everybody else is so lucky)

"A man stretched out on the sand in

 northern Germany had a lucky 

escape when a light aircraft came 

in  to land almost right on top of 


" Does a Plane have a Horn?" (yes & no) - KLM Blog

not the kind that can warn public people of danger: 
"So, the signalling system aboard an aircraft isn't really used in the same way as the hooters and horns aboard other vehicles and vessels. A pilot can't hoot at other aircraft. In fact, the horn doesn't work when the aircraft is in flight, because the signalling system is turned off.
Whereas horns in cars are mainly used as a warning system, the horn ..."

Monday, April 4, 2016


"The incident happened around 9 a.m. PT (noon ET) in Fallbrook on Interstate 15 North, about 50 miles from San Diego County when a single-engine, fixed-wing aircraft hit a Nissan, CHP spokesman Officer Chris Parent told NBC News. ...One person in the car died, and the three other occupants were taken to the hospital ...NBC San Diego reported the woman who was killed was Antoinette Frances Isbelle, 38, who was sitting in the back of the car...."


EVERY NOW & THEN you hear a story about a small plane crash that kills people on the ground in the process of making an emergency landing. And in some of these tragic events , the airplane has no engine power and therefore is making virtually NO NOISE...; it is coasting downward hoping to land on a freeway or beach or golf course etc. And because it is almost silent, sometimes people on the ground have NO IDEA that something is happening above them, only seconds away.

And the pilot only has LIMITED choices about where to land and where the plane will roll, skid, or tumble to a stop after it hits the ground. And in some of these cases, the pilot and passengers may actually survive the crash while somebody on the ground is tragically killed. It's very tragic and there is one simple addition to all airplanes that could help prevent this from happening in some cases.

By adding a sturdy horn or siren or noisemaker, maybe similar to a car horn, but probably bigger, more like a truck horn, people could be made aware a few seconds ahead of time of impending doom. With just a few seconds warning, these people could look up, run, dive out of the way, take cover, etc, and perhaps avoid being injured or killed.

This would NOT be an expensive addition to airplanes. Preferably it would be a button that the pilot could push in case of emergency that would automatically keep repeating the horn or siren or whatever kind of noise-maker works best to alert people on the ground. It should be automatic because the pilot cannot concentrate on manually pushing a horn while also attempting to steer and navigate as best as possible to a crash landing of some sort. This is a very simple & inexpensive addition to aircraft of all kinds that might save some lives on the ground.

This blog will be posting cases of plane crashes or emergencylandings in which lives might have been saved if there had been a horn or noise-maker of some sort activated before reaching the ground. Talk to your legislators about this as a future requirement for all planes.. Here's an example of a possible preventable death if the airplane made some noise.

"A Georgia man was killed and his daughter critically injured Sunday when an airplane struck them as they walked along a Florida beach.
Sarasota County Sheriff's Office spokeswoman Wendy Rose said Venice Municipal Airport officials reported a plane in distress Sunday afternoon...."
